
Change-Quotes-8Change…it’s that time of year. Teachers are growing weary from a long school year…students are ready for the summer as the temperatures heat up…It is also the time of year where teachers are moved to different buildings.

I am one of those teachers this year…I will be leaving the comfort of the elementary school to teach ELL in a middle school (but will still have a little elementary as I will travel between the two). I am excited about the move and am looking forward to learning an entirely different way of teaching/life in the middle school.

You may be wondering…did I have a say in my move? The answer is no but I feel there was much though put into the decision made by my supervisor and principal. I trust her thoughts and know she feels that it will be a great fit for me as an educator. Does it make it feel better? Yes…I am excited about the change and know that I will make the most of it because that’s how I am. I will rise to the occasion and will go in with the attitude of leadership and collaboration…I will create an environment in my classroom where mistakes are welcomed, where we learn together and where students have choice.

I will make the most of the last days I have at my current school and will begin next year with an open heart and mind. Stay with me to watch the journey through my eyes.