
As a child, I knew I wanted to be a teacher. I would read books to invisible children and “set up a classroom”. I never thought I wanted to go into administration.

Jump ahead to my 12th year of teaching…Miami University decides to offer an Educational Administration degree here in Dublin. I think about it and talk to my husband who gives me his blessing. I interview, take tests, fill out paperwork and just like that, I’m getting my second master’s degree. It was a great experience and am grateful for the opportunity to further my education.

Over the next five years, I go on over 16 interviews and receive, that’s right, 16 no’s! What am I doing wrong? What can I do better? Why am I not the right fit? How do I get experience if no one will give me the opportunity to get the experience needed?

I have lived with this frustration and am still trying to figure it all out. I don’t think I’ll ever completely understand because I am not in the minds of my interviewers.

So this last week I am so excited because I get called for a job interview. This is my DREAM job. I have lived for a job like this to come along. I speak with the person who will be doing the interviewing…she tells me right off the bat that I would have to take a pay cut to accept the position.

I pondered, prayed and talked about it with my husband and family. I sign up for an interview but then I eventually back out. The pay cut now had increased by $15,000 the second time I spoke with the interviewer.

I couldn’t do it! I couldn’t take a job where I’d take such a pay cut. I am not complaining that I make too much money…I am complaining because I cannot take an admin position without losing money. It shouldn’t be that way! Admins should be the experienced ones who are more expensive!

My “current” dream job is gone…out of my reach…breaking my heart.