Coming Off My High…

You may be wondering, did Melissa become an addict and not tell anyone?!? Well no! The high I speak of is the high from #ISTE17.

I wait all year for the opportunity to see major players in my PLN, pay ahead for tickets and plan out my clothes for the few days…then it’s all over! This year seems more difficult than other years.

For the third time I stayed with my good friend Amanda Rogers (keep in mind, this is the only time I see her every year)…for the third time I presented at ISTE…for the third time I traveled by myself to new cities and states.

I look forward to seeing friends that I only communicate with through Twitter. I look forward to being with like-minded educators for a few days. I look forward to meeting new educators who share my educational ideals. I look forward to talking with vendors in the Expo Hall to try to weasel some free stuff (doesn’t usually work too well). The anticipation is crazy right before my trip…

Then it’s over! I presented and met new people (and got an offer for some paid blogging), I ate out and attended parties, and I slept (but not much). I enjoyed myself immensely this year even though some of my good friends were not in attendance. I am hoping that #ISTE18 in Chicago, IL brings some more of my PLN friends.

Until next year ISTE…

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