The Orange Frog by Shawn Achor

The Orange Frog by Shawn Achor was a book before Saturday I have never heard of…My sister had it sitting around her house and hadn’t even read it. I started reading it immediately and knew it was going to be the highlight of two chats that I moderated.

I moderated my district Twitter chat, #DubChat and in my opinion created some great little questions to use during the chat.  I also used the same slides and questions for another Twitter chat on Sunday, February 15th at 7:30pm est., #nbtchat. This chat is typically moderated by @jonathankegler but he was preaching his first sermon so he asked me to step in. I was beyond honored and couldn’t wait to introduce this great book to a new crowd.

The Orange Frog is a great parable about a group of frogs who are brought together not by their own choosing. The book talks about their struggles and what they do to create happiness. I encourage you to purchase the book and read it for yourself.

Click on these links to find out more… and

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